Operation Christmas Child

Pray for Operation Christmas Child

As we discover how God will work through these shoeboxes, may we always keep our eyes on Him. Prayer is another important way to partner with OCC and be a part of the ministry.

Dr. Billy Graham, renowned evangelist and the father of Franklin Graham, was once asked by a young evangelist,

“What are the most important steps for a successful ministry?”

Dr. Graham’s replied: “There were three things that mattered most,”

“Prayer, Prayer And Prayer.”

Prayer is our best weapon of offense and defense, and our ministry begin and end with prayer. Join us as we ask for God’s hand on all aspects of Operation Christmas Child.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6 NKJV

The Korean Churches and Local Volunteers

  • Please pray that Operation Christmas Child may become a missional opportunity for many Korean churches.
  • Please pray for the Korean churches involved in Operation Christmas Child that they would find joy and become strengthened as a community as they partner for the Great Commission.
  • Pray that God will raise up next generation leaders who are keen to serve Him and further His kingdom through the ministry of Operation Christmas Child.
  • Pray for safety and protection for the numerous volunteers who help collect, transport, and process each OCC gift box

The Children and Countries Receiving OCC Gift Boxes

  • Pray that God will meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the children who receive OCC gift boxes and their families who are living in desperate circumstances, suffering from poverty, sickness, war, or the effects of natural disaster.
  • Pray for the hundreds of international volunteers who receive and distribute the gift boxes.
  • Pray that the OCC gift boxes are an effective ministry tool that opens many doors in countries that are not receptive to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the implementation of the follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey, that it would open up the hearts of many to receive God’s love and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • With the ongoing challenges brought by COVID-19, please pray for safety and protection of the children and staff involved in distributing the OCC gift boxes.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV

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Please kindly make a call to us after gift.
Contact: 02-2105-1800

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Hana KEB Bank 113-910073-69404


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