오퍼레이션 크리스마스 차일드

Fund an OCC Gift Box Online

Welcome to Operation Christmas Child’s Fund a box site. Here with a gift of 50,000 KRW you can fund an OCC gift box and share God’s love with a hurting child overseas, without even leaving your home.

Each shoebox is a tangible expression of God’s love for a child in need.

With your 40,000 KRW gift, we will lovingly fill a shoebox with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items to bring great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to a child overseas. Your 40,000 KRW also includes 20,000 KRW donation per shoebox to cover shipping, Gospel material, and other project related costs.

After receiving a shoebox gift, children have the opportunity to enroll in The Greatest Journey, our dynamic, 12-lesson Bible study course guiding them through what it means to faithfully follow Jesus Christ.

“Let the little children come to me … for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18:16 NKJV”

Give to Where most needed

Your gift to "Where Most Needed" equips Samaritan's Purse with the resources—including personnel, materials, supporting services, buildings, and equipment—to fulfill our mission of relief and evangelism worldwide.

Please kindly make a call to us after gift.
Contact: 02-2105-1800

(재)한국사마리아인의 지갑
Hana KEB Bank 113-910073-69404


Give to Operation Christmas Child